Impact of Simple Moments

The Impact of Chaplaincy

A Chaplain's Journey of Connection and Support

"I love how sometimes the simplest of moments and actions can have such a significant impact on students. As I was walking around the school one day, I came upon a year 9 student who was sitting down while her class engaged in sport activities. I approached her and started a casual conversation, asking about her life, interests, etc. I asked so many questions I was worried she would feel like I was interrogating her. It came up that she struggles with social anxiety and that she finds talking to people difficult. At the end of the lesson, though, she mentioned that she really enjoyed talking to me and that she would like to chat with me more often. From here, I checked in on her every few weeks.

A few months after that, her dad was diagnosed with a terminal illness. The rapport we had previously been building has allowed me to be a key support person for her as she processes this news. As a chaplain, you never know how a small interaction can make such a big difference, both in the moment and for future interactions."

A friendly photo of Natalie, the chaplaincy at Glenmore Park High School

Empowering Through Rock and Water


Brightening Lives