Code of Conduct for Chaplains
The Department of Education in New South Wales, Australia has developed a code of conduct for chaplains to ensure that they operate in a professional and ethical manner while providing support to students and school communities.
This code of conduct outlines the expectations and responsibilities of chaplains, including their obligations to adhere to legal and policy requirements, respect the spiritual and cultural diversity of the school community, and maintain confidentiality. It is important for chaplains to follow this code of conduct in order to provide effective support to students and maintain the trust of the school community.
Department of Education
Code of Conduct for Chaplains
Chaplains must comply with all relevant legal and policy requirements when operating in NSW schools. This includes meeting child protection and reporting obligations, as well as complying with sector and school policies, such as code of conduct, privacy, complaints and information management policies.
Necessary Reporting
The School Principal is ultimately responsible for the welfare of students within their school.
In interactions with students, school chaplains must adhere to existing school operational requirements and report to the School Principal or delegate.
Principal Approval
School chaplains must ensure that all services that are delivered are approved by the School Principal, have the appropriate prior parental/caregivers consent, and voluntary consent from students who participate.
School chaplains should ensure that they take responsibility for and obtain prior approval from the School Principal for any external people the school chaplain invites onto schools premises to provide student activities such as musical shows or lectures or to assist in providing chaplaincy services.
School chaplains must review any content and ensure that these external people do not proselytise, distribute biased material and their conduct is consistent with the Department of Education's agreement.
Non-Religious Education
School chaplains should avoid theological terminology and language that assumes that those with whom they speak share their beliefs. School chaplains should ensure that any faith based statements are present as personal beliefs rather than as tactical assertions.
Chaplains should deliver services in a way that respects the range of spiritual views and cultural traditions in the school community, and also respects the stated views of parents/guardians to ensure the spiritual and moral education of their children.
Complaints Handling
School chaplains must inform the school principal of an complaints received and participate in an monitoring and/or evaluation procedures by DoE.